Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Minutes of the ALC Steering Committee conference call on 5/25/2016 from about 8:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M., Pacific-time.

Attendants: Jim-dandy!, Sassafras, & Logistic

Discussion topics:

To all Steering Committee members, please be available for a conference call on Wednesday, June 1 from 8:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M., Pacific-time so that we can discuss all of these topics with all of you.

We proposed that there should be no camping allowed unless the camp fee is paid to Ken or Jim-dandy through the PayPal account.  If anyone pays anyone cash they can’t camp with us until that money is paid through the PayPal account after filling out the registration form on our website.

We proposed that the camp fee should be refundable up until some date before Burning Man like August 1 when some of the money will already have been spent.

We proposed that we, as a camp, should purchase bulk food items for all scheduled breakfast and supper meals (from Sunday night, when Burning Man is officially open, to Sunday night before the temple burn).  The camp fee then will include all breakfasts and suppers during that time period.

We discussed the option of a debit card or a pre-paid VISA card as a means for Anat to pay for her Burning Man expenses such as renting a truck (and trailer for garbage removal), fuel for travel, food for the participants helping load up stuff in Nevada City, and for storage if we lose our current storage location.  Any purchases are subject to approval by the Steering Committee.

If we will be purchasing bulk food for the scheduled meals then we will need to purchase coolers that will contain only that food and the coolers will need to be kept closed, taped up, labeled: Do not touch!, until the food is prepared according to the schedule.  There should also be some coolers that people bring with some food that may be shared as we have done in the past.

We discussed the need to prepare a Schedule of Duties that the camp requires.  This schedule will include who will be helping load up stuff in Nevada City, who will make the bulk purchase of food for scheduled meals, who will help set up the camp (all the early arrivers), when & who will make ice runs and empty coolers of water and restock with fresh ice, when & who will cook the scheduled breakfast and supper meals, when & who will wash dishes after each meal, when & who will separate the garbage into recyclables, wet food scraps to be put in mesh bags to dry, burnable, etc., and take the trash to behind the kitchen (out of sight from the road!), when & who will strike the camp Monday morning and moop, more mooping Tuesday morning, and who will help unload stuff in Nevada City, etc.

We expect that a balance sheet will be maintained by Ken and Jim-dandy!, this information will be made available to all those who have paid the camp fee.

We recognize that the camp has gotten too big for one person to manage.  The Steering Committee members wish to do what is ethically right for the camp as a whole.

We believe that we should nominate a Kitchen Manager to be the head of organizing the meal plans, the scheduling of cooks, etc.   We suggest Auntie M.

Bay area people should schedule the pickup of the rental truck and trailer, the picking up of the coolers, the purchasing of the bulk food that will then need to be put in the coolers, purchasing of ice and dry ice for the meals to be prepared later in the week, then off to Nevada City.

There should be an early, early arrival team that arrives on the playa before anyone else who needs to park an RV or set up a tent so that they can survey the camp and mark/flag/rope-off all the main parts of the camp and roads within the camp so that we will be ready to place people in the designated camping areas as them arrive.

Logistic has volunteered to make a material list and cost estimate of a very large shade structure that many people will be able to take advantage of to set up their tent under and there could also be massage rooms, etc.

We should discuss the possibility of converting Jose’s truck into an art car for the future.

We should begin making plans for party events in our camp. Things like a barista party, open mic night on the stage, live performances, Deb & Ricardo’s Brazilian Sunrise Bar (name to be determined) for a morning drink and dance, etc.

Jose could make videos of burners who come to our camp and take part in our festivities and he could then take email addresses to send the videos out to those burners.

We would like to discuss nominating Tree Love to our Steering Committee.

We would like to know if Anat would like to prepare a meal plan for all of the scheduled breakfasts and dinners or if she would like our Kitchen Manager (and Steering Committee) to prepare the meal plans.

We would like to discuss all of these topics in more detail with all of the Steering Committee members next Wednesday night, June 1, at 8:00 P.M. Pacific-time in a group conference call, so please reserve at least an hour that night.  Thank you.



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